

How to create an account using our referral code.

1. Follow this link https://crypto.com/exch/cryptethic to the sign up page & make sure the referral code cryptethic is entered correctly. Double-check the referral code. It should be cryptethic. If the promo code is not introduced properly, you will not be a cryptethic referee. You cannot change it once you have created your account!! In case you forgot to fill in the promo code, Crypto.com gives you 10 days from the day your account was created to add a referral ID in.

2. Complete registration: email address, password, etc.

3. After you complete your registration, you need to verify your identity to be able to trade on Crypto.com - Advanced verification is needed!

4. The next step after verification is to lockup CRO to be eligible for the sign-up bonus:

Sign up bonus (USD worth of CRO) - $10 || Referee requirements - Locked-up 1000 - 4999 CRO

Sign up bonus (USD worth of CRO) - $50 || Referee requirements - Locked-up 5000+ CRO

*Only your First CRO Lockup amount is used to calculate the sign-up bonus you receive

**CRO received as bonus does not count towards this locking up requirement.

Image of Crypto.com rewards page

5. Start trading

Crypto.com, born in Hong Kong in 2016 and now headquartered in Singapore, has blossomed into a global platform serving over 50 million customers across 90+ countries. Beyond their centralized exchange offering spot, margin, and derivatives trading, Crypto.com boasts a diverse ecosystem: a user-friendly mobile app, a Visa card for flexible spending, a secure mobile wallet, DeFi products like a wallet and the Crypto.org chain powered by their native token Cronos (CRO), and payment and NFT functionalities through Crypto.com Pay and Crypto.com NFT. This comprehensive suite empowers users to buy, trade, store, and spend crypto seamlessly, solidifying Crypto.com's position as a leading player in the ever-evolving crypto landscape.